Welcome to the Steel Town Records Museum which is a historical replica of Mr. William Adams aka Gordon Keiths‘ perspective of his Steel Town Record Label in which he established in a home once located at 1025 Taney Street in Gary Indiana.
This was the location that housed the Jackson Five & his nephews’ Elvy Woodards‘ musical group then known as the Ripples & Waves Plus Michael for group rehearsals prior to recording in the studios & performing on stage. The museum is set up based on all of the events that took place there such as the never happen promises that Joseph & Katherine Jackson stated to Gordon Keith once they was to make it out of Lake County.
Fans & Friends will experience the events of the life like wax dolls of the Jackson Five & the Ripples & Waves Plus Michael in the basement of the make shift label along with Mr. Keiths‘ Executive Office surrounded by platinum albums displaying the music of Steel Town Records recording artist
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